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口述史学的引入,推动了当代中国史研究视角的转换,丰富了国史研究的史料来源,突出了其学术性特征,带动了其他科学研究方法的运用,并使当代中国史研究更趋于社会化、民主化。但是,口述史学方法存在的弊端也严重影响了其在当代中国史中的运用与发展。因此,研究者应积极采用口述史学研究方法,同时又要认真研究,努力避免口述史学自身所存在的弊端,促进口述史学方法在当代中国史研究领域的广泛应用和推广。  相似文献   
The present study tested the hypothesis of the cognitively competent but morally insensitive bully. On the basis of teacher and peer ratings, 212 young elementary school children were selected and categorized as bullies, bully–victims, victims, and prosocial children. Children's perspective-taking skills were assessed using theory-of-mind tasks, and moral motivation was assessed with a task about moral emotion attributions after moral rule transgressions. Analyses at the group level revealed that only bully–victims, but not bullies, were characterized by a deficit in perspective taking, while both aggressive groups showed a deficit in moral motivation. Analyses at the individual level, however, revealed that bullies were a more heterogeneous group, including children with an asymmetry between perspective taking and moral motivation, as well as children scoring consistently low or high on both measures. The findings highlight the importance of distinguishing between (1) strategic social–cognitive and moral competencies and (2) different subgroups of bullies.  相似文献   
Prior to and during World War II, thousands of girls and young women were abducted from Korea and forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese government. Termed comfort women, these girls and young women suffered extreme sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and trauma. Research on this group is not well-developed and people know little of the impact of this early life trauma on the lives of these women who are now in later life. Using snowball sampling, 16 older adult survivors of the comfort women system participated in semistructured qualitative interviews. Thematic analysis was conducted to gain an understanding of the trauma that these women suffered and how it impacted their lives. Results revealed the depths of the abuse these women suffered, including repeated rapes, physical beatings, humiliation, forced surgery and sterilization, and social exclusion. These early traumatic experiences appeared to reverberate throughout their lives in their family relations, their inability to marry and to conceive children, and their emotional and physical well-being throughout the life course and into later life. The experiences of these survivors illustrate the lasting impact of early-life trauma and can guide interventions with current survivors of sexual abuse or trafficking.  相似文献   
所谓结构,是指在总体中的元素以及元素之间关系既有特定差异性又有相同性的相对不变的关系.结构概念具有双重比较性和相对不变性的根本特征,也具有多层可能性和变化可能性的非根本特征.特定结构的认识取决于结构的视角.结构视角的发现既有赖于具体个人自身条件,也有赖于社会条件.由于结构概念以总体和元素为前提,使其在整体性上陷入自相矛盾.由于以静态的双重比较为前提,结构概念又在变化性上陷入自相矛盾.结构分析以古典归纳逻辑为基础,只有与矛盾分析、系统分析和过程分析等多种分析方法相结合,才能避免自身的缺陷.  相似文献   
高校开展自主招生试点至今已有十个年头,十年间,招生规模不断扩大、招生特点初步显现、利弊得失众说纷纭、焦点问题备受关注。未来,高校自主招生要强化监管体制、推进招考分离、优化考试内容、改革录取方式、加强配套建设。  相似文献   
《里普利的老伴回老家》独特的叙事策略可以从几个方面进行解读:叙事线索简洁明了,以几个旁观者与主人公就回家一事的互动以及他们的反应,使回家这一中心事件成为唯一一条线索,没有旁枝末节,简洁凝练;通过对时间的措置和跳跃,巧妙地突显催化事件而使中心不言而喻,进而体现了小说的写作主旨;通过灵活有度的追述方式,使故事中心更加集中,结合内在和外在追述,使细节更好地为中心服务,也使回家这件小事之重要性在追述中显得更为合情合理;采用全知全能的零聚焦叙述者,旨在最全面展示农民和农村生活的方方面面以及作者的所感、人物的所思所想,强化了作者感情的抒发。  相似文献   
传统的修辞学、哲学和语言学对隐喻的研究均未对隐喻的内涵范围、表现形式、以及隐喻的产生和理解过程,展开科学系统的界定和研究。二十世纪七、八十年代兴起的认识语言学将语言的隐喻表达看作人类共有的概念隐喻体系的外在表征。认知视域的概念隐喻理论引导人们将隐喻理解为人类将身体经验所获取的认知向未知抽象领域的映射。人类通过隐喻映射来认知未知的、为身体经验所不能感触的抽象世界。  相似文献   
新近推出的《明清以来苏州文化世族与社会变迁》以"文化世族"这一核心概念,通过区域比较和跨学科沟通,从国家与地方之间多维互动的角度出发,系统剖析了苏州文化世族的内涵特色、家族运行和社会功能等,发掘了维持家族长期发展的家庭精神,同时在长时段的视野下研究了转型期中国社会的变化,体现了江南家族史研究的新视野。  相似文献   
笔者基于当今哲学研究由主体性转向主体间性的后现代主义背景,梳理了20世纪90年代以来我国译界主体间性研究的大致脉络,认为国内翻译研究仍处于主体性研究状态,主体间性研究不系统、不连贯、不深入,从哲学角度分析翻译主体间性的文章更是寥若晨星;重新界定了翻译主体,提出原文作者是创作主体,译者是翻译主体,译文读者是接受主体,翻译发起人是翻译活动发起主体,他们都积极参与翻译活动;指出哈贝马斯交往行为理论为翻译主体间性研究提供了新的思路和切入点,对翻译学的构建和翻译实践具有极强的现实指导意义。在交往行为理论的观照下,所有的翻译都是翻译所涉及的各个主体之间的相互作用、相互否定、相互协调与相互交流的结果;必须从根本上改变传统的主客二分、二元对立的认识论模式,构建起一种对话式互动的共在关系,一种良性循环的生态体系。  相似文献   
中国古代文论是古代思想家、文学家对文学的创作、欣赏、批评的论述,是古代士人精神风貌的反映,也是其文化心态和价值追求的集中体现。中国古代文论内容丰富,密切关注人的伦理道德世界,在文以载道、以理节情和知人论世三个向度上均体现出鲜明的伦理特征,影响和规约着中国当下文论和文学的发展。  相似文献   
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